Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects


Participants : Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais, Didier Vojtisek, Johann Bourcier, Arnaud Blouin.

The goal of DiVA is to provide a tool-supported methodology for managing dynamic variability of co-existing, co-dependent configurations in adaptive systems that span system administration and platform boundaries. Examples of such adaptive systems are communication infrastructure in rescue operations and mobile entertainment environments. This is addressed through a combination of aspect-oriented and model-driven techniques. DiVA explores how adaptation policies can be captured in the requirements, how aspects can model the variants used to adapt the system, how models can be kept at runtime to drive the adaptation and which validation techniques have to be developed in this context.

The Triskell team participates mainly in the definition of models that can drive the adaptation at runtime. The benefits of keeping models at runtime is to have an abstract view of the adaptation policies and mechanisms on which it is possible to reason (to check invariants, QoS properties, etc.) before actually adapting the running system. One important challenge tackled by Triskell is a mechanism to synchronize the running system with the model that has been adapted according to the changes in the environment. Triskell is also involved in the different validation tasks that occur when building such systems and when adapting these systems at runtime. An important issue for validation at design time is to select a subset of all possible configurations for testing. At design time, it is necessary to validate interactions between variants and to check that invariants on the system are satisfied.

The DiVA project has ended during the year 2011, with the final review in May. This project has been a real success as stated by the assesment of the final review: Excellent progress (the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations).

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

400 keuros

Project Coordinator:



SINTEF, Uni. Lancaster, INRIA, Pure Systems, Thales IS, CAS.

  • Title: S-CUBE


  • Defi: Service & SW architectures, infrastructures and engineering

  • Instrument: Network of Excellence (NoE)

  • Duration: October 2008 - March 2012

  • Coordinator: University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), Tilburg University (The Netherlands)

  • Others partners: Tilburg University (The Netherlands), City University London (UK), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy), Center for Scientific and Technological Research, The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Ireland), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), MTA SZTAKI - Computer and Automation Research Institute, Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Université Claude Bernard Lyon (France), University of Crete,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), University of Stuttgart(Germany)

  • See also: http://www.s-cube-network.eu/

  • Abstract: S-Cube, the Software Services and Systems Network, will establish an integrated, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which will enable Europe to lead the software-services revolution, thereby helping shape the software-service based Internet which is the backbone of our future interactive society.

    An integration of research expertise and an intense collaboration of researchers in the field of software services and systems are needed to address the following key problems:

    • Research fragmentation: Current research activities are fragmented and each research community (e.g., grid computing or software engineering) concentrates mostly on its own specific techniques, mechanisms and methodologies. As a result the proposed solutions are not aligned with or influenced by activities in related research fields.

    • Future Challenges: One challenge, as an example, is to build service-based systems in such a way that they can self-adapt while guaranteeing the expected level of service quality. Such an adaptation can be required due to changes in a system's environment or in response to predicted and unpredicted problems.

  • Triskell budget share:

    150 keuros

  • Title: NESSoS


  • Defi: Service & SW architectures, infrastructures and engineering

  • Instrument: Network of Excellence (NoE)

  • Duration: October 2010 - October 2014

  • Coordinator: CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)

  • Others partners: ATOS (Spain), ETH (Switzerland), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (Germany), IMDEA (Spain), INRIA (France), University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), University of Malaga (Spain), University of Trento (Italy), SIEMENS (Germany), SINTEF (Norway)

  • See also: http://www.nessos-project.eu/

  • Abstract: The Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems (NESSoS) aims at constituting and integrating a long lasting research community on engineering secure software-based services and systems. In light of the unique security requirements the Future Internet will expose, new results will be achieved by means of an integrated research, as to improve the necessary assurance level and to address risk and cost during the software development cycle in order to prioritize and manage investments. NESSoS will also impact training and education activities in Europe to grow a new generation of skilled researchers and practitioners in the area. NESSoS will collaborate with industrial stakeholders to improve the industry best practices and support a rapid growth of software-based service systems in the Future Internet.

    Three INRIA EPIs are involved in NeSSoS: ARLES, CASSIS and Triskell. Triskell leads the research workpackage on design and architecture for secured future internet applications.

  • Triskell budget share:

    100 keuros

  • Title: CESAR

  • Duration: February 2009 - January 2012

  • Coordinator: AVL - GmbH (Austria)

  • See also: http://www.cesarproject.eu/

  • Abstract: In the context of CESAR, we have participated to the sub-project 3 demonstrator in order to demonstrate the usability of Polychrony as a co-simulation tool within the reference technology platform of the project, to which its open-source release has been integrated. The case-study, implemented in collaborateion with Airbus and IRIT, consists of co-modeling the doors management system of an Airbus A350 by merging its architecture description, specified with AADL, with its behavioral description, specified with Simulink.

    Triskell brings its model-driven engineering expertise to compositionally assemble, compile and verify heterogeneous specifications (AADL and Simulink). Our case study will cover code generation for real-time simulation and test as well as formal verification both at system-level and in a GALS framework. Based on that case study, we aim at developing further modular code-generation services, real-time simulation, test and performance evaluation, formal verification as well as the validation of the generated concurrent and distributed code.

Artemis CHESS

Participants : Noël Plouzeau, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Jacques Falcou, Viet-Hoa Nguyen.

CHESS is an Artemis project that seeks industrial-quality research solutions to problems of property-preserving component assembly in real-time and dependable embedded systems, and supports the description, verification, and preservation of non-functional properties of software components at the abstract level of component design as well as at the execution level. CHESS develops model-driven solutions, integrates them in component-based execution frameworks, assesses their applicability from the perspective of multiple domains (such as space, railways, telecommunications and automotive), and verifies their performance through the elaboration of industrial use cases.

In 2011 Triskell contributed to the definition and development of the model editor specially built for CHESS on top of Papyrus. Triskell is also a contributor of model transformation tools, by adapting its Kermeta platform to the Chess process, and by contributing to the interconnection of external tools from industrial tool provider partners. Triskell is also the implementor of a set of constraint checkers, which ensure that designers define models compliant with the CHESS metamodel.

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

400 keuros

Project budget:

6 M euros

Project Coordinator:



AICAS, Aonix, Atego ENEA, Ericsonn, Fraunhofer, FZI, GMV, INRIA (Triskell), INTECS, Thales Alenia Space, THALES Communications, UPM, University of Padua, X/Open

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: ITEA2

  • Project acronym: OPEES

  • Project title: Open Platform for the Engineering of Embedded Systems

  • Duration: 2010-2012

  • Triskell budget share: 150 keuros

  • Coordinator: OBEO (Gaël Blondelle)

  • Other partners: AIRBUS, ADACORE, Anyware Technologies, Astrium Satellites, Atos Origin, CEA LIST, CNES, C-S, Dassault, EADS Astrium ST, ENAC, INPT-IRIT, INRIA (AtlanMod/EXPRESSO/TRISKELL), MBDA, OBEO, ONERA, Schneider Electric, Thales, Xipp

  • Abstract: OPEES is an ITEA2 project which goal is to build a community able to ensure long-term availability of innovative engineering technologies in the domain of software-intensive embedded systems. Its main benefits should be to perpetuate the methods and tools for software development, minimize ownership costs, ensure independence of development platform, integrate, as soon as possible, methodological changes and advances made in academic world, be able to adapt tools to the process instead of the opposite, take into account qualification constraints. In this purpose, OPEES relies on the Eclipse Modeling Project platform (EMF, GEF, GMF, OCL, UML2, ...) and on many available tools such as Kermeta. The participation of Triskell into the OPEES project aims at industrializing both ModMap and Pramana. ModMap is a method and the associated tool to specify and use alignment rules between both homogeneous and heterogeneous languages. Current use is the creation of adapters between aligned languages. Pramana is a model transformation testing framework that makes it possible to synthesize input data (i.e. test models) for model transformations and check that the transformation behaves "correctly" on them.

  • Program: Marie Curie

  • Project acronym: Relate

  • Project title:Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service-Based Cloud Applications

  • Duration: February 2011 - January 2015

  • Triskell budget share: 730 keuros

  • Coordinator: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • Other partners: Université de Rennes, IRISA (France); King's College, (UK); South East European Research Center, SEERC (Greece); Charles University (Czech Republic); CAS Software (Germany); Singular Logic (Greece)

  • Abstract: The RELATE Initial Training Network aims to establish a network of international academic and industrial partners for a joint research training effort in the area of engineering and provisioning service-based cloud applications. The training is intended to not only shape high-level academic researchers, but also educate next generation experts and innovators in the European software industry. Through an integrative and multidisciplinary research approach, RELATE aims to promote the advancement of the state of the art in the related areas of model-driven engineering and formal methods, service-based mash-ups and application integration, security, performance, and trust in service-based cloud applications, and quality management and business model innovation.